Using events to trigger Selenium based actions for website testing

Exercise: Using Selenium to add items to a shopping cart

Open your terminal and navigate to a directory where you have write permissions. Execute the following command and respond to the prompts:

$ provengo create EX-selenium

Executing the command will generate a directory named EX-selenium, which contains a hello_world.js file located in the spec/js subdirectory. Clear the existing content of this file and replace it with the following code. If desired, you can also rename the file:

// @provengo summon selenium

const URL = ''
const SESSION = "customer-session"

user = {
    email: '',
    password: ''

product = {

bthread('login', function () {
    with (new SeleniumSession(SESSION).start(URL)) {
        sync({ request: Event("Begin(login)") })

        waitForVisibility('//img[contains(@src,"logo")]', 50000)
        click('//span[contains(.,"Sign in")]')
        writeText('//input[@id="field-password"]', user.password)

        sync({ request: Event("End(login)") })

bthread("add to cart", function () {
    with (new SeleniumSession(SESSION).start(URL)) {
        sync({ request: Event("Begin(addToCart)") })

        writeText('//input[@name="s"]', + '\n')
        click('//div[h4[contains(text(),"Product successfully added to your shopping cart")]]/button')

        sync({ request: Event("End(addToCart)") })

bthread('Add do card cannot start before login ends to cart', function () {
    // Your code goes here

Your task is to introduce a third bthread that enforces that addToCart does not begin befor login ends.

Without your code, the command:

$ provengo analyze -f pdf EX-selenium

will generate a file named EX-selenium/products/run-source/testSpace.pdf. That looks like this:

Expected Test Space

It represents the fact that the two bthreads can run in parallel. Your task is to introduce a third bthread that enforces that addToCart does not begin befor login ends. When you are done, the file should look like this:

Expected Test Space

If you get a different result, try to figure out what went wrong. If you get stuck, you can find the solution in the EX-selenium/solution directory.